Speech and Language Therapy

Speech & Language Therapy

Our team of speech and language therapists screen, assess, identify and provide support through speech and language therapy for all areas of communication including:

  • Speech delays and disorders including articulation, phonology and motor speech disorders
  • Language delays and disorders including expression and comprehension
  • Fluency disorders including stammering
  • Voice and resonance disorders including pitch, quality and loudness of voice
  • Cognitive-communicative disorders including social communication skills, reasoning, problem-solving and executive functions.

Our Approach

Our play-based approach to speech and language therapy is tailored to fit your child’s needs and fosters a fun, exciting and supportive environment where your child’s ability to communicate can blossom. We work closely with parents, teachers and other professionals to ensure a collaborative service delivery wherever possible.

What types of speech and language difficulties do you work with?

Our team of speech and language therapists screen, assess, identify and provide support through speech and language therapy for all areas of communication including:

  • Speech and language development
  • Articulation/phonology
  • Developmental dyspraxia/childhood apraxia of speech
  • Developmental dysarthria
  • Receptive language (understanding)
  • Expressive language (use of language)
  • Stammering/stuttering
  • Social and interactional skills
  • Pre-literacy & literacy
  • Phonological awareness
  • Attention and listening
  • Voice quality
  • Feeding

What is my role as a parent?

You will be present during the session so that techniques and activities can be demonstrated. Therapy is seen very much as something that the therapist and parents work on together. You will be given ideas of activities and ways to support therapy at home and it is important that these are followed through in order for your child to make the most progress. Advice and activities will be practical and easy to implement into your day.

Reach out to our Speech and Language Therapy team today